
Humber Watch Group Meetings

Hello everyone

Firstly may I wish you all a happy New Year.

On Monday 8thJan 2018 the Humber Watch group met with Lianne Taylor from the National Neighbourhood Watch Network based in Leicester.

Lianne gave us a detailed update on where NHW is currently and where it needs to go in the future.  The clear message was the umbrella role of NHW to facilitate all organisations and communities to keep safe and well.

How we communicate messages and information was one of the key factors  going forward with suggestions including Facebook and other media platforms supporting the soon to arrive Humberside police  Alert system .

Lianne was very complimentary of the NHW schemes both locally and Humber wide and asked that message to be passed to all involved.

I will give a more detailed update at our March meeting.

Due to the unavailability this year of the Cromwell Road fire station on a Tuesday evening the coordinators meetings for 2018 will now be held on a THURSDAY  at the same location on the following dates .

Start times remain the same and invitations will be sent prior.

8/3/18, 14/6/18, 13/9/18 and 13/12/18


Steve Lynn