Tech Training

How to Zoom !

It’s all the rage at the moment – video meetings using Zoom. Of course there are other tools available too (Jitsu meet, Microsoft Teams etc).

But if you’re new to ZOOM then it’s worth getting a bit of advice on how to use it.

Neighbourhood Watch meetings are not taking place face to face at the moment, so we’re trying hard to work out ways to connect with each other using tools like Zoom.  So it’s useful if you learn more about it.

This tech guide originally appeared under our Tech Talk group on our new, private, online discussion space (more information here). We’re encouraging all NWG coordinators and members to get logged into that site, so please get in touch with us if you’d like an account setting up for you.

Back to Zoom…

It IS free for meetings of under 100 people and for 40 mins or less – which should do most of us before you have to start paying.

If you’re only participating in meetings organised (hosted) by others then you don’t even need to register for an account. But you will need to download the software to your computer and install it, or install the App on a mobile phone or tablet. If you’re going to organise your own meetings then you’ll need to register for the free account.

And once in a meeting you’ll need to find your way around the Zoom tool so your sound and video works (you’ll need a microphone and camera for that of course) and so you can control what you’re seeing and doing.

Helpfully there is lots of training out there for Zoom. Before you dive in, read through some of this.

Very simple guide to getting started with Zoom on Digital Unite here

Zoom has their own set of getting started guides here

Their guide to joining a meeting is here Read it first.

It includes a video to talk you through these first steps

When you’re ready and have read up a bit, go to the download centre here on a computer or to your App store (phone/tablet) and download the app. Then follow the guides to get started.