An online ‘prevent’ conference has been organised by the Safer Communities team at North East Lin- colnshire Council for 27th September.
It’s free and will be online so that it is easy to at- tend.
The Prevent theme is about preventing terrorism. If you’re interested in this ongoing agenda then you might want to get involved in the conference.
Full details via NELC below.
The link to registration is here: north-east-lincolnshire-2023-tickets-672043970607? aff=oddtdtcreator
Prevent is about safeguarding individuals from be- ing drawn into terrorism, ensuring those vulnerable to extremist and terrorist narratives are given ap- propriate advice and support at an early stage. Pre- vent is no different to any other form of safeguard- ing.
This conference will expand and grow your knowl- edge regarding the different elements that feed into Prevent.
The event will be held on Wednesday 27th Sep- tember 2023 and will be hosted online via Mi- crosoft Teams.
It will start at 9.30am and be a half day event. The agenda for the event is as follows
• Counter Terrorism police briefing including the regional picture for Humberside and the North East
• An explanation of who and what are terrorist and extremist organisations
• Prevent and the links to mental health • Act Early website presentation
• Armed forces veterans and extremism
This should be a genuinely engaging and informa- tive event. If you have any questions please contact