Thanks to funding, VANEL are able to provide many residents in North East Lincolnshire with items of personal or household safety equipment (or signpost to other projects providing such equipment).
The items are usually small and don’t require specialist installation. Each item can provide a little bit of peace of mind and improve your safety and security.
Items include: personal alarms; plug in timers; stick on window and door alarms; property marking kits; pretend tins (for hiding valuables); torches; padlocks and more. In addition our programme provides partners such as the Police, ward councillors and housing associations with the ability to refer people to receive even more specialist equipment.
The CATALOGUE of items can vary. But please refer to it for reference codes before making a request.
The current CATALOGUE for equipment available to residents across Rural North East Lincolnshire can be found online here.
PCC funded Rural Ward household safety equipment catalogue
But there is also a .pdf version of the catalogue which can be printed and distributed. Download the .pdf catalogue here.
This catalogue covers what is currently available to residents in the following areas:
and Laceby Acres part of YARBOROUGH WARD
Information about putting in requests can be found here and the online request form is here.
Back to information about Household Equipment.