Equipment FAQ’s

If you have questions about the community equipment offer (across North East Lincolnshire) then hopefully you’ll find the answer on this page.

VANEL administers this programme and website, but we do so on a shoestring. So hopefully answers on this page will help save time for everyone. But if you really need to ask more, contact Karl Elliott via or 07936 415804 (answerphone) or simply drop an email to

Q: Can I request more than one item?

Yes. But don’t take more than you really need. If you need two personal alarms for members of your household + a plug in timer + a window alarm + a torch + a door handle alarm (for example) then please ask for that.  But if you ask for 6 plugin timers then we may ask why and we make only provide a few of what you ask for.  Some people ask for one item. Some ask for many. As long as it meets your needs and helps you feel safe then please ask.

Everything is a request (rather than an shopping order), so we reserve the right to simply supply what we can rather than everything you’ve asked for.

Q: How quickly will I get my items?

Bear with us. We have to juggle hundreds of requests; order stock; get delivery or collection organised, and we rely on volunteers, partners, community venues and others to help. And although we have the equipment funded, we’re not funded to manage the project more than part-time.

Realistically we’ll say it could take 2-3 weeks for you to get your order. But in reality most orders should be available within a week.  Not got your order after 3 weeks – email us on and we’ll follow up.

Q: are the items really free?

Yes. But in reality they are ‘subsidised’. In other words, they still cost money, but thanks to generous funders (such as the PCC or ward councillors or Big Local etc) they are provided to you for free.

So a big thank you to our funders.

Q: Who is eligible?

Generally the offers of equipment we oversee are for residents in North East Lincolnshire. We’ll need your postal address to verify.

But because these projects cost money and require funding, unfortunately not every area can benefit. Sorry.  Use our Ward by Ward guide to find out if you can place an order or not.

But there are no other restrictions on who orders. You don’t have to be old or young; homeowner or tenant or have any other restrictions.  However, because these are funded projects we will try and focus on older or vulnerable people; families with young children; victims of crime etc first.  We won’t exclude anyone, but we do ask that if you really could afford to purchase these items yourself then perhaps do so in order for us to save our funding for other people.

But please, if you’re a North East Lincolnshire resident in one of the supported areas – please make your request.

Q: What if I’m not in a supported ward?

Sorry. We probably can’t supply you items at this time.

But, please feel free to place a request. We may not be able to fulfil it now, but funding comes and goes and we may be able to gather more funding on the back of your request.

West Marsh residents benefitted from a similar equipment project in 2021/22 (Safer Streets) and East Marsh residents had the Safer Streets project in 2022/23 to support them.

North Cleethorpes residents have had some support from Big Local North Cleethorpes previously.  So some of these support offers come and go…

Q: can I come back for more?

Q: what if I want something not in your catalogue?

Q: Can you deliver?

Q: Where can I collect from?

Q: Can I order for a neighbour/friend/other people?

Q: can I buy items like this myself?

Q: Why does where I live matter?

Q: what about replacement batteries?

Back to information about Household Equipment.