Thank you for completing a request form for household safety equipment.
Your details are now in our database and we’ll next assess your eligibility and review what you’ve asked for.
Update from 21st March 2024: Our major project delivering items to rural wards (PCC funded) is now officially closed. We’ve had exceptional demand over the past two months and have supported over 600 households. We’ve now used up our funding.
This means that if you’re requesting from a rural ward, it is highly likely that we won’t be able to fulfil your request quickly or easily. You’ll remain on our database until we perhaps manage to find some additional funding. Sorry for the inconvenience. But we’ll keep you informed as to progress with your request.
If you’re requesting from a ward where we have some other form of funding (mainly from Ward Councillors) then we might be able to support you in a limited way. We’ll let you know.
We’ll get back in touch as soon as we have items ready for you and we’ll discuss collection or delivery.
Thank you.
Stay Safe.