Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch came into existence 40 years ago as a community safety initiative (2022 is the 40th anniversary of Neighbourhood Watch).

North East Lincolnshire has a long history of successful Neighbourhood Watch Groups, and in the past there have been hundreds of groups across the borough.

These days there are so many new ways of tackling community safety – social networks and My Community Alert are some of the more recent. But Neighbourhood Watch continues to make a difference in our community.  We still have over 50 Neighbourhood Watch groups in the borough with new ones being born all the time.

Nationally, Neighbourhood Watch is supported by OurWatch – the national association.  OurWatch provides resources such as logos and branding; group insurance; campaigning and support, for Neighbourhood Watch Groups across England.

Locally groups are supported by their local area-based Association lead (the area administrator).  In North East Lincolnshire, local charity VANEL (Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire) provides this administrative role, with Karl Elliott being the scheme administrator (contact info here).  Previous administrators have been Marcus Czarnecki, Steve Lynn and Glyn Atkinson.

VANEL provides this part-time support for Neighbourhood Watch through project funding we raise.  VANEL have a “North East Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Networking” programme currently active which allows us to directly support Neighbourhood Watch, as well as other local, resident led community and neighbourhood groups (such as “Friends of” groups).

VANEL and the administrator, Karl, are part of HumberWatch. HumberWatch brings together the administrative projects for Neighbourhood Watch from across the Humberside Police region (Hull, East Riding, North & North East Lincolnshire). This allows us to work together on larger initiatives and to share best practices.

VANEL connects closely with local partners; Humberside Police and the Neighbourhood Teams; Safer NEL and the Community Safety Partnership; Humber Fire and Rescue Services; NELC ASB team and so on.  In this way we are all connected to ensure we’re helping local communities and neighbourhoods support their residents to the best of their ability.

If you are involved with Neighbourhood Watch (or interested in being involved or starting a group), then please use this website for information and keep in touch with Karl.

Some of our more recent initiatives are to create Neighbourhood Watch ‘flavoured’ groups specifically for Parks and open spaces (Park Watch) and for allotment sites (Allotment Watch).

Remember that a Neighbourhood Watch group can cover anything from a small cul-de-sac of houses, to part of a street; a whole street or a whole neighbourhood or village.  We also have a number of “Block Watch” type groups which cover residential flats; sheltered housing or retirement homes.  Wherever residents want to connect, support each other and watch out for each other, a Neighbourhood Watch group can exist.

If you are NOT a Neighbourhood Watch Group, then VANEL is still here to support you.  We can talk with ward forums; friends of groups; resident led neighbourhood level support groups and so on.  Just browse the website and get in touch.

Remember that you can only call yourself a Neighbourhood Watch group and display the logo if you are formally registered and authorised – which must happen through your local area administrator – Karl Elliott at VANEL.


Information about existing groups on a ward by ward basis.  Also use this guide for info and useful contacts in each ward.

Find out about starting a new group or registering your own network

Support for your existing group

Projects and programmes that can help your group or local residents

Talk to us about the Neighbourhood Watch insurance scheme

We have a private, NEL only, Neighbours Together forum where you and your groups can talk together or get support

Find out more about our specific Allotment Watch and Park Watch schemes.