
Street Scene Select Committee – Invitation

Submitted on behalf of Cllr Stephen Beasant

Neighbourhood Watch


I’m writing to ask if you would like to give your views as we gather evidence for a Select Committee review into street scene in North East Lincolnshire.

The Select Committee has been set up to focus on the quality of the local street scene.

There have been significant changes to Council’s Smarter Neighbourhoods Programme, which has resulted in alterations to the way a number of services, such as street cleansing and grass cutting, are delivered.

The main aims of the Select Committee include the following:

  • Understand the impact of these service changes on the ‘Street Scene’ in North East Lincolnshire
  • Identify areas of potential improvement focusing on building community resilience and increasing civic pride and make recommendations to the Council’s cabinet.

The Select Committee is due to hold four public hearings in September. More details about the hearings will be provided at a later date.

The Select Committee will look at the following topics that sit under two headings – the physical environment and environmental anti-social behaviour.


The physical environment includes:
Grass cutting, trees and weeds
Play park maintenance
Kerbside gullies
Street cleaning.

Environmental anti-social behaviour includes:
Dog fouling
Alleyways – council approach to private alleyways
Graffiti and fly-posting
Litter on public highway and open spaces
Play park damage.


We’d be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the short survey from the link below.

Your views will be fed into the Select Committee and there is an option where you can say if you would like to attend the hearing.

Street scene survey:


Cllr Stephen Beasant

Chair of the Select Committee