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There have been overnight reports of break ins by means of accessing rear doors for patios and conservatories.

Locations are recently around the new estate of houses off Humberston Ave, opposite the Ballantyne Gym Club, and other local areas in Cleethorpes.

The method in use has been similar in all cases, with use of a simple pry bar, breaking the lock mechanisms in a swift movement, taking less than 3 seconds in total.

This begs the question of the standard of new installations on a new estate in Humberston, and also the BS standard for other local properties.

Houses must have been observed over a period of time for access, and lack of live security lighting or alarm systems in place, and keys for vehicles have been stolen with future robberies in mind, as well as easily seen items like wallets, key and purses.

A suspect car has been identified  – description in the Grimsby Telegraph item dated today  – not copied here in case of possible wrong identification having been made.

The press have noted that there are local Neighbourhood Watch groups in these areas, but these are not nationally registered, as they have not been notified to myself as the NE Lincs Co-Ordinator.

it would be worthwhile if you have these types of entry into your homes to check if they are capable of withstanding this type of attack. With the lead in to the festive season, more valuables could be stored ready for present giving to relatives, and these are easily seen if kept in plain sight.

Protect your property in advance to prevent loss and damages to your house.

Notes from the report below: –

One owner, whose home was burgled as she and her family slept said: “We are all horrified someone could come into the house when we were asleep. The Defender was my husband’s pride and joy. We think they must have been watching us for about a week. They used a special tool to force the door.”

She told how iPads and laptops were also stolen, along with car keys.

She added: “We have had our cars impounded because they took the keys to all our cars. Although they took the Defender we were told they could come back for the others.

“It has been such a pain to sort out the insurance. It was a shock to wake up at 7am on Friday. But it has been frustrating that the car was not listed stolen until 6pm that day. Someone could have driven to the south of France in that time. It is taxed and insured, so I doubt it will get found after all that time.”

Another resident told how she and her sons were asleep when the burglars crept in after forcing a door.

She posted on social media: “The worst for us was not the possessions, it’s the thought that there were people in our home whilst we slept. They came upstairs and even went to my little boy’s room.”

A neighbour said: “It has scared a lot of people and we are very concerned. We are all part of a Neighbourhood Watch network. When I heard about it I was freaking out and told my husband we had to get better locks. The locks they broke were done in three seconds.

“Everyone has been looking on CCTV and sharing advice about how to improve security. Part of the problem is some of the roads are not adopted and we don’t know if the council is responsible for street lighting.

Humberside Police confirmed they had received reports of a car theft in Humberston overnight between 6.30pm on Thursday and 8am the following morning from the address off Humberston Avenue.

Detective Chief Inspector Doug Blackwood from Grimsby CID, said: “I am seeing more examples of burglary-related car thefts in and around the North East Lincolnshire area, and we have very active lines of investigation currently ongoing to find those responsible.

“At the moment we have a number of individuals who were are looking closely at.”

He added: “There are lots of things that car-owners can do themselves to protect their vehicles, particularly those who have high value cars that may be more desirable to potential thieves.

“Never leave your car keys on show through a window or door when you’re not using them. Do not leave them in locks, on a hallway table or shelf and never in reach of a letterbox or cat flap.

Criminals may use tools to steal the keys without forcing entry to the property.
“If you have a garage, keep your vehicle safely inside it.

“If you have to park your vehicle on your driveway or on the street, consider using additional security devices. Make sure the area is well lit, ensure the vehicle is locked and that nothing of value is left in it, for example tools, laptops, money, dash cams, sat-navs.
“If you have gates securing your driveway area, make sure they are closed and locked if required.

He recommended getting a professionally-fitted car alarm and, or an immobiliser.

The senior officer said residents should consider fitting a house alarm, motion sensor outside lights, and if possible, CCTV to cover the property including the back garden.

DCI Blackwood said: “Also if you have two vehicles and one is of less value than the other, then think about ‘blocking’ your more expensive car in.

“We are seeing that these offences happen at night, often through the rear of properties. There are a number of very simple, common-sense security measures that car-owners can make. They just have to make them.”