
Crime Reduction Fund applications close on 10th December

If your Neighbourhood Watch Group has an idea for a project that could tackle crime in your area, then don’t forget to consider the Crime Reduction Fund grants.

This scheme has been funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside (PCC) and is being managed by Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) on behalf of the North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Community Safety Partnership (CSP).

This grant scheme accepts applications from voluntary, community and not for profit organisations in North East Lincolnshire that can clearly demonstrate how their project contributes to the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Plan.

Round 2 of the fund closes soon:

Application form deadline Thursday 10th December 2020

There is much more information on the VANEL website here and you are encouraged to speak with Richard at VANEL who can help you clarify if your application is appropriate and how to apply.

There will be a third round in 2021 if all the money is not allocated, but if you’ve got an idea start your application process off now.