This small grant pot from OurWatch (National Neighbourhood Watch Network) is now open for applications from Neighbourhood Watch Groups (via their coordinators).
Between £100 and £250 is available.
The funding will be confirmed April 2022 and must be on a project to tackle something related to the 40th Anniversary Year of Neighbourhood Watch (but that can be pretty broad).
If you’re thinking of applying then you’ll need to be able to confirm that you’re a recognised group in NEL. So please contact Karl Elliott at NELwatch/VANEL to ensure you can do that.
Karl can also provide additional support for anyone completing an application.
IF your project/group also happens to be in Cleethorpes – especially in Sidney Sussex or Croft Baker wards – then Big Local North Cleethorpes is likely to be able to top up or match your successful application with a little bit more useful funding.
Make sure you start thinking and getting ready to apply now!