
OurWatch October newsletter is published. Includes a report from the national conference (we were there!).

Download the October newsletter from Ourwatch. Includes feedback from the recent National Neighbourhood Watch conference that we also managed to attend.

The latest e-newsletter from the National Neighbourhood Watch Network, Ourwatch has been published. Download the .pdf here.

It features a range of news as usual plus a report from their national conference that was run in London at the end of September.

Karl Elliott from NELwatch / VANEL / Humberwatch was able to attend the conference this year to represent Neighbourhood groups in North East Lincolnshire and the Humber. It was great to hear the latest from Ourwatch and to chat with coordinators of groups from across the country. It was a confirmation that in North East Lincs we’re still connecting well with national initiatives and we seem to still be doing all the right things locally!

As well as the report in the newsletter, there are a few details on the Ourwatch website about the agenda on the day and a couple of the powerpoint presentations from the event. See here.

Enjoy the Ourwatch newsletter.