With over 10 million vaccinations so far it is important that we all keep making sure that the right messages about vaccines and vaccinations are reaching everybody. As community members or Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators we hope that you find this information useful and can keep spreading the word whenever you can. All of these sources […]
Category: Covid-19
News and updates related specifically to Covid-19 and the ongoing crisis and support within our community
I have been asked to disseminate national information out in regards to vaccines and jabs to the readers on here, so please see the attachment below from the explanation. This is also going out to all N E Lincs NHW Co-ordinators by separate e mail. Please share to all networks where appropriate. With over 10 […]
Recent results, as seen on Look North, are encouraging, but before we all book our holidays, pub trips and house parties, please take a breath, and remember that we all need to stay vigilant and careful until the cases are down to zero. East Lindsey, which is one of our nearest area borders, have recently […]
I casually pulled a takeaway leaflet out of the front door this morning, after watching someone unknown walk up our driveway to put it in the door, and then thought twice about what I had just done. Thought – I don’t know this person. I didn’t see any ppe, gloves etc., or know how the […]
Important. Please warn everyone you know about the Covid-19 and Vaccination Scams that are currently doing the rounds on social media. If you’re on Social Media and you get messaged with something like below then please DO NOT CLICK – it’s a scam. If you do click through and happen to get to something asking […]
Karl will again fully update the scam on Friday, but police have warned of a new text / social media ciontact being made with a VERY genuine looking attachment page which looks very realistic as if from the NHS. It tells you that you are now in line for the jab and to accept or […]
I do not normally deal with scam mails, as Karl does an excellent job updating new ones every week, but this one really annoys me, and evidence has shown nationally that one elderly lady was duped into paying over £150.00 for a placebo type jab, administered under non hygienic conditions, and with no knowledge of […]
Today’s neighbour thought is sparked by looking out at horrible inclement wet rainy weather with wind and cold all around us. You may have recently been furloughed or now working from home again with the new restrictions in place. Where do you sit to do your work? I am on the main dining room table […]
Thank you, BBC 2 !
Why am I thanking the Beeb? Easy – Education programmes in the early afternoon that are too good just for children learning on line. Coming from a grim mortarboarded teacher background at my grammar school over 50 years ago, how much more could I have learnt and absorbed, given more modern ways to visually show […]
Humberside Police have issued a document which explains both about some of the very latest scams that are targeting people about Covid-19 and vaccinations and about how to avoid falling victim to them. Please have a read and share widely. Let’s make sure no-one we know falls victim to this sort of scam playing on […]
Keith Hunter has issued his latest message in regards to how police are reacting during the pandemic – link is below. https://www.humberside-pcc.gov.uk/News/News-Archive/2021/A-New-Year-message-from-Commissioner-Keith-Hunter.aspx
I normally leave all scam alerts with Karl for his excellent and informative Friday slot, but the NEL Fraud Forum and Humberside Police have asked me to put this up asap , so here goes ! COVID 19 Vaccine Scam Text We have been informed about a new scam that is being circulated, but looks very […]
I was really hoping that my first post in 2021 would be full of positives, and hope for a return to some form of normal lifestyle during the opening months. Instead, we awake to a new lockdown regime, a rapidly spreading new virus variant, people not wanting to obey strictly laid down stay at home […]
We will all discover the Tier level tomorrow that N. E. Lincolnshire will find themselves embedded until the New year. We are all expected to remain in a safe and responsible manner towards ourselves, our relatives, our neighbours, friends, and others who live in our streets and roads. If the Tier level is raised to […]
According to Look North figures this evening, 147 / 100,000 is today’s national average for NE Lincolnshire, slowly coming down. We need to be below 128 to become lower than the national average. If the area drops below the national average, would you support a local drop of controls down to Tier 2? Would you […]