Prevention Training

NSPCC’s Listen Up, Speak Up campaign offers 10 mins online training to help spot the signs of child abuse

New campaign from NSPCC to help more people learn how to spots signs of child abuse and how our communities can help keep children safe.


Difficult topics, but a series of free Zoom seminars can help you to understand more about hidden crimes

The national network, OurWatch, has a series of free, online seminars late in November about some of the more serious, hidden crimes in our community. Read on to find out more and how to book a place.

Prevention Training

Hate Crime Awareness Week is 8th-15th October. Online seminar on 10th Oct.

It’s Hate Crime Awareness Week from 8th-15th October 2022. All the information about the week is on the national website If you can share information with your network/members/neighbours then a good starting point is the general Hate Crime leaflet here. Details about an online session organised for 10th October by the Neighbourhood Network in […]

Community Safety Training

Victim Support offering free, online Criminal Justice Champions training

Victim Support in North East Lincolnshire schedule Criminal Justice Champions training regularly and their latest session will be run over Zoom on Wednesday 15th September 2021 from 10am-12noon. You might after this training be able to signpost to Victim Support more effectively, but it is useful training for anyone who might come across someone who […]

Community Covid-19 General Miscellaneous Training

Thank you, BBC 2 !

Why am I thanking the Beeb? Easy – Education programmes in the early afternoon that are too good just for children learning on line. Coming from a grim mortarboarded teacher background at my grammar school over 50 years ago, how much more could I have learnt and absorbed, given more modern ways to visually show […]

Community Training

Have you got time for victims of crime?

Victim Support Humberside and South Yorkshire is looking to recruit Criminal Justice Champions. This role would be ideal for someone connected to Neighbourhood Watch, or simply someone with the right interest. Read on… Our Champions help us promote the work of Victim Support to people who may not know they are entitled to support. We […]

Community Crime Information Meetings Safer and Stronger Training

Hull Neighbourhood Network offering free information sessions

Since April, the team at the Hull Neighbourhood Network have been hosting regular free online awareness seminars in partnership with Humberside Police and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and have had over 300 of you join. The sessions have provided opportunities for Neighbourhood Watch members and wider communities to advance their knowledge in preventing crime and the […]

Tech Training

How to Zoom !

It’s all the rage at the moment – video meetings using Zoom. Of course there are other tools available too (Jitsu meet, Microsoft Teams etc). But if you’re new to ZOOM then it’s worth getting a bit of advice on how to use it. Neighbourhood Watch meetings are not taking place face to face at […]

Network News Training

Remote training for NWG Coordinators and Members

We have been getting our new, private, online discussion website ready for Network Coordinators and Members for a couple of weeks now. The first few coordinators who have requested access should start receiving their account details in the next day or so.  If anyone else is interested in staying in touch through this discussion tool […]