The four authority areas that make up the Humberside Policing region all work with and support Neighbourhood Watch and Neighbourhood Groups in different ways.
Except of course, the four areas actually all do very similar things as well and all share the same core goals, objectives and principles to support our communities well.
So, Humberwatch brings these four areas together with an organisation that makes sure that good practice is shared; lessons (both positive and negative) are learned from each other; economy of scale is used on projects and programmes so we complement each other rather than overlap; and we have a collective voice across the region for the benefit of each group of neighbours or residents that come together in their area.
The website explains about each of the four areas and also about the support offered.

Latest news: Our Humberwatch Conference took place in June 2024 and you can read all about it here or watch the video below. Other news here.