Help us keep an up to date list of groups.
Local Organisation (and formal registration)
If you would like to set up a NHW group or are interested in developing one:- please contact Glyn Atkinson at the Neighbourhood Watch Area Network Steering group. C/O VANEL, 82 Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes, Phone number – 07540 052494, or Email:
National Organisation
Neighbourhood Watch National Organisation – Our Watch has a great many resources.
Once you have formally registered your new group locally, you can advertise it on the national OurWatch website with your geographical boundaries and coordinator details for anyone in your Street.
Locally we have a support group made up out of experienced NHW Coordinators, Police Officers and support from Safer & Stronger Communities.
All groups in the UK are registered through their local organisation. Locally this is the North East Lincolnshire Area Network of NHW groups. National Home Office NHW Insurance is only provided through correct registration. Signing up to the national website does not constitute local registration with the Police.
Because NHW is for everyone – new groups and coordinators need to agree to the National code of ethics for Coordinators and our local Terms of Reference.
Neighbourhood Watch groups can only cover one Street or part of a street……to cover a larger area there must be clear reasons why and agreement from residents.
All residents/tenants in a proposed watch must be included in the consultation. You can’t leave anyone out.
NHW Code of Ethics and Standards
Once the stages of developing a new group have been done and residents consulted, the group can have an inaugural meeting at which the new coordinators are voted in / chosen – when the Coordinators have been approved by the area network, and then the development lead will register the group formally.
Coordinator Approval Guidelines for new group registration