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This NELwatch website is an online resource for Community Safety issues for groups, networks and residents in North East Lincolnshire.

NELwatch is managed by Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL). It covers a range of community safety and community cohesion projects and programmes that we manage or support.

VANEL is responsible for oversight of Neighbourhood Watch across North East Lincolnshire. So if you’re an existing Neighbourhood Watch Group (NWG) or are interested in joining or starting one then please contact VANEL via Karl Elliott who is the MSA (Multi-Scheme Administrator) for Neighbourhood Watch in North East Lincolnshire.

VANEL is also delivering a Neighbourhood Networking programme supporting groups of residents across the borough – whether or not they are a NWG.  We’re here to provide a bit of support whenever residents come together.

You can also find information on this site about:

Scams and our FraudWatch programme
Allotment Watch
Stay Safe Guides
our Keeping Older People Safe (KOPS) programme
Community Shredders
community safety equipment offers

and information about our connections and involvement with programmes such as Safer Streets and Clear Hold Build.

Any question please contact us.

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