
PCC Consultation on Policing and Community Safety

The office of the PCC is asking for feedback on the Police and Crime Plan as it gets reviewed. Find out more and links to complete the survey.


How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood? Help complete and share this survey

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) has a duty to consult with local residents on their perception of crime in their neighbourhoods. The results of this survey, combined with local crime data, inform the CSP’s planning process and determine the focus of its projects and priorities. This public consultation, known as the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment […]


The Grimsby Town Centre check in survey. Your thoughts matter.

Grimsby Town centre is in the middle of significant change. There’s been a lot of work done in Grimsby Town Centre over the last few years, including the redesign of St James Square and the new Garth Lane Bridge and surrounding development of the waterfront. And there’s more on the way, with plans being devised […]

Community Safety Prevention Safer and Stronger

How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood?

The North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership has a duty to consult with local residents on their perception of crime in their neighbourhoods. The results of this survey, combined with local crime data, inform the CSP’s planning process and determine the focus of its projects and priorities. This simple, eight-question short survey is open online from […]

PCC Policing

Your input and thoughts are required to help with development of the new Police and Crime Plan 2021-24

The first major task for incoming Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside is to prepare the Police and Crime Plan to focus priorities for 2021-24. The plan is in production but views, thoughts and opinions are being sought from everyone living in Humberside and ultimately affected by the plan. Everyone is encourage to complete an […]