
Useful information related to Heneage Ward in North East Lincolnshire

Police contacts:

Neighbourhood Policing Team information. Includes latest updates and information and details of the whole Policing team.

Neighbourhood Watch Groups in this ward:

Howard Grove NWG
Heneage TT NWG

List not correct? Should your group be on our list? We’re listing here only these groups that for 2021 we’ve confirmed are active. Older groups may still exist but have lost contact with us. Please update us if we’re missing information. Thanks. Let us know here.

Humberside Police crime statistics

UKCrimeStats website publishes these regularly and they usually reflect figures from the month before.
See stats for Heneage Ward here.

Ward Profiling

Plenty of information about the ward including health, education, economic activity and more can be accessed via the North East Lincolnshire Data Observatory website.

Heneage ward data is here.

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Open Data Portal

Covers the whole of the Humber region. Data can be viewed here.

Ward Councillor information for the Heneage ward