What is Neighbourhood Watch?

Neighbourhood Watch Groups are local people looking after their communities

Local Neighbourhood Watch schemes work in a variety of ways that reflect the needs of the local community. This includes: sharing crime prevention advice and information; running awareness campaigns; holding social events and awards for local people and businesses; leading community projects, such as litter picks, a community café, flood defence response, presentations in schools and work with young people and children and community messaging with the police.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes can make a real, long-lasting difference to communities: increasing cohesion and connectedness; helping to prevent crime; increasing neighbourliness and community wellbeing; supporting vulnerable people and increasing the voice of the community with councils, the police and other organisations.

Find out more here – www.ourwatch.org.uk/about-us/who-we-are/neighbourhood-watch-today

Or if you’re in North East Lincolnshire then this is the place for you and you can get in touch with us directly.