North Lincolnshire Safer Neighbourhoods
Safer Neighbourhoods is the Crime and Disorder Reduction Department of North Lincolnshire Council and are responsible for contributing to the delivery of the Safer Communities Plan. Each year, the Partnership carries out an assessment of crime and disorder and develops a plan to tackle the issues identified.
The Safer Neighbourhoods Team are engaged in a wide range of activities including developing strategic plans, problem solving community issues, community engagement, education and diversion away from crime.
Neighbourhood Watch in North Lincolnshire
Safer Neighbourhoods are responsible for managing and supporting Neighbourhood Watch Groups in North Lincolnshire. We have a thriving community of Neighbourhood Watch Groups (NHWG) – 120 of them – and more joining every month.
Getting involved – Neighbourhood Watch is one of the most successful crime prevention initiatives. Behind it lies a simple idea, and a central value shared by millions of people around the country, that getting together with your neighbours to take action will reduce crime and disorder.
Neighbourhood Watch is a popular way for people of all ages and backgrounds to get involved in making their area a better and safer place to live.
We all know that the police are there to fight crime, but they need our help to do an effective job. Indeed, some problems just can’t be solved by the police alone. Some need a joint approach by the police, the community, the local authority and perhaps other agencies too.
Neighbourhood Watch Groups don’t just tackle crime issues. Many of our Groups involve themselves in a whole host of community and environmental projects in order to improve the place where they live and the quality of life of their families.
The Group will be headed by an Area Co-ordinator who will be the primary point of contact with the police and other agencies. They will be the community’s focal point for Neighbourhood Watch Activities; receiving and distributing information, administering the Group and helping to steer the community’s efforts to make their neighbourhood a better and safer place to live.
Being a co-ordinator – The Coordinator is supported by the SN team. The Coordinator will be provided with all the relevant paperwork to distribute to neighbours within their chosen area, to appeal for interested members.
Safer Neighbourhoods provide packs for each member including crime prevention information and a window sticker. We also provide street signs to raise awareness of the group and which also act as a crime prevention measure. We all so have access to security products free of charge.
The Coordinator acts as a link between your group, the local police and other Safer Neighbourhoods partners when necessary. The role will not take up a lot of your time and the main tasks are to:
- Distribute questionnaires and compile a contact list of residents wishing to be in the group
- Distribute crime packs to houses in the group, including stickers
- Receive crime information via email and forward to the group members
- Attend your local Neighbourhoods Action team meeting (optional)
Neighbourhood Action Teams (NAT’s)
The NATs are meetings closed to the General public that discuss crime and Anti-Social behaviour in your local area. They are attended by Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators, Residents Associations, Local Authority, Police, Housing Associations and other partners and are chaired by your local Councillor.
The NATs primary functions are to:
¨ Receive information from the community about local issues which, primarily, affect community safety and the built environment although this could be reviewed to widen the scope of the work of the NAT at a later date.
¨ Prioritise those issues for action.
¨ Work with the local community and partners to resolve those issues
¨ Ensure the wider community are aware of the priorities and action through effective means.
What is Trade Watch
Trade Watch is a voluntary scheme where residents will not agree to any work offered to them on the doorstep and they will report any suspicious company to Humberside Police.
The scheme will protect members of our communities and act as a deterrent to potential rogue traders and criminals in the same way Neighbourhood Watch does. Residents who sign up will receive scheme window sticker, information packs and street signs are available for villages who sign up.
Living in a Trade Watch area will reduce the risk of being approached or becoming a victim of a doorstep crime and send a clear, proactive message to residents and criminals that such crimes will not be tolerated within North Lincolnshire.
For more information about Safer Neighbourhoods, call us on 01724-297430 or visit the website
You can also follow us on Twitter: @SaferNhoodsNL
More information at
And information about Neighbourhood Watch in North Lincolnshire here
Contact: Caroline