The Neighbourhood Network (NN) is a registered charity with its core work supporting resident led community groups and the wider public to become more resilient and encouraging residents to be proactive in the neighbourhoods where they live and work. 

Supporting people to tackle and manage issues improving their neighbourhoods, co-ordinating activities to enhance health and well-being and bringing people together to enabling them to develop their own social networks are some of the outputs the charity has achieved over the 11 years it has been in operation.

The NN’s vision is that by being a member of the NN people will feel better equipped and informed to create safer and healthier environments in which to live and work, this is done by the following:

  • Introducing and facilitating – Connecting residents and others that can help solve issues i.e introductions to police and council teams, other resident led groups.  Facilitating events and activities i.e., yearly awards event celebration, organising neighbourhood fun days and resident meetings.
  • Community networking – Connecting with other citywide organisations to share connections, learning tools, campaigns, services i.e., attending loneliness network, Hull’s safer comms network, Hull’s Engagers Network
  • Communication – Sharing relevant local news of benefit to Hull residents and community groups through the production of a fortnightly newsletter, website, social media pages and groups 
  • Advice & guidance – supporting resident and community groups on a 1-2-1 basis based on their individual needs
  • Education – Offering awareness and training sessions on subjects such as Fraud/Cyber Crime, Cancer awareness, First Aid awareness, Health MOT’s, supporting social media groups, crime prevention 
  • Creation and Management of community projects
    • Victim of Crime project – offering crime reduction equipment to the vulnerable or victims of crime by referrals from Police, Council staff
    • Cycle Crime Reduction project – Tackling cycle crime in partnership with Humberside Police by offering low-cost D locks, with distribution across the Humber region
    • Neighbourhood Fun Days – Bringing communities together through organised community fun day events
    • Awards event – Celebrating community volunteers through organising an annual awards event
    • Crime Reduction Equipment Shop – Bringing low-cost crime reduction equipment through an online shop
    • Menopaus’ull Support Network – Supporting women going through the menopause, especially those feeling lonely by offering peer to peer support, activities, webinars, library and exercise opportunities