Useful community information related to East Marsh Ward in North East Lincolnshire
Useful information and contacts for East Marsh residents to help you connect within your community.
Not sure which ward you live in? NEL Council have a webpage where you can enter your postcode and check. Use the tool here:
Your Ward Councillors
Information about East Marsh Ward Councillors can be found on the Council website. Your Ward Councillors are:
- Cllr Stephen Beasant (Liberal Democrats)
- Cllr Nicola Aisthorpe (Liberal Democrats)
- Cllr Loyd Emmerson (Liberal Democrats)
East Marsh Ward Councillors hold their surgery at Freeman Street Market every Saturday, 9.30am-12noon.
Find out who is in your Neighbourhood Policing team on the Police website here:
You can also find out about regular drop-ins or community activities from the East Marsh team here.
Or find out about local ward priorities here.
Local Statistics
The Police webpage here includes all kinds of up to date crime figures for the East Marsh. There are additional crime stats on the national UK Crime Stats website here:
The Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Open Data Portal includes useful statistics that cover the whole of the Humber region here:
Ward profiling: Plenty of information about the ward including health, education, economic activity and more can be accessed via the North East Lincolnshire Data Observatory website.
Start here to access the reporting tool to get to East Marsh ward data.
Neighbourhood Watch
George Janney Court
To connect to an existing group, contact Karl Elliott at VANEL (lead on Neighbourhood Watch for North East Lincolnshire)
If you are interested in starting a new group please contact Karl.
Stay Safe guides
The Stay Safe guide for East Marsh can be downloaded from the website at
The website and the printed edition were funded by Safer Streets East Marsh in 2023.
The printed edition can be picked up in East Marsh from:
Canopy Community Hub
Your Place
Freeman Street Market
and other local community venues
More about Stay Safe at
Safer Streets East Marsh
This programme ran 2022-23 and is now finished. For legacy information about the project visit Watch the final project video online here:
Community Shredders
There is a public use community shredder available in the Canopy Community Hub in Grant Thorold Park. Access is only during cafe opening hours. Staff there will be able to advise you on using the shredder. Terms and conditions apply (for example, personal use only – no business shredding).
More about the shredder project here.
Canopy Community Hub Facebook page here.
Free Community Safety Equipment
December 2023 update: Last chance for East Marsh residents to get free items of household or personal safety equipment!
This project was funded through Safer Streets East Marsh to provide East Marsh residents with small items that can help with household safety and to improve peace of mind. The programme ended August 2023 but VANEL are still able to provide items to residents until our stock runs out. Find out more here or use the online request form here. Unlikely to be much left by the end of 2023, so make your request now!
East Marsh Involve
Your local ward based community forum is East Marsh Involve (EMI)
Monthly meetings provide an opportunity for residents to speak with other residents; share their issues; and get signposted to local support. Ward Councillors normally in attendance with other agencies such as Council, Police or LHP can often be found at the meetings.
East Marsh United
Local project delivery organisation working in the community of East Marsh. Find out more and about all their projects here:
Community Venues and organisations
Venues and organisations open to the public or offering public sessions, courses, training etc. Contact them to find out about how to connect.
Canopy Community Hub in Grant Thorold Park
01472 897240
on Facebook here
Your Place Community Centre
Wellington Street
Grimsby Neighbourhood Centre
Wellington Street
Freeman Street Market
Salvation Army: Grimsby Corps Worship & Community Centre
Duncombe Street
Email address:
01472 346620
Ghetto Park
Garibaldi Street
Shalom Youth Centre
Part of St John St Stephen Church
on Roberts Street
Youth Centre on Facebook
The East Marsh Community Space CIC
Pasture Road
Facebook page here
St Andrew with St Luke and All Saints
Garibaldi Street
Information online
Have we missed someone off? Let Karl know
This information is very likely to change (last checked Dec 2023) so please make your own enquiries:
Tuesday & Thursday 11:30am – 2:00pm
at We Are ONE Foundation Rear of 146 Freeman Street
access via carpark on Newmarket Street
The Rock – Food bank
100 Garibaldi Street (next to Butchers), Grimsby, DN32 7DU
Mon, Wed & Fri from 1pm to 3.30pm
There is also a Warm Space Facility above the Foodbank.
This page…
Our ward pages are always under development. So if we’ve got something wrong or we have missing information please let us know.