
21st June meeting agenda

Dear fellow Coordinators, chairs and members

I would like to invite you all to June meeting.

This time around we have a security presentation from a local company who will be able to give us advice on the latest products available.

Your local NHW website will be presented and there will be a chance to meet the press highlighting the excellent work of NHW in our area.

Hope to see you all there


Steve Lynn

Direct Line:         01472324944
New Local NHW logo

Invitation and agenda

Tuesday 21st June 2016

Grimsby Town Hall 7pm – 8.30pm


6.45pm      Tea and Coffee on arrival


7pm           Welcome _ Steve Lynn


7.05           Security presentation – Red


7.25           Your local NHW website presentation – Josh Short


7.45           NHW update from a national perspective – Steve Lynn


8.10           Meet the press / Questions and answers


8.30           Close


2016 Meetings:

Date                       Room             PM Time

24/03/16      Crosland        7-8.30

21/06/16      Bremerhvn   7-8.30

20/09/16      Crosland        7-8.30

08/12/16      Crosland        6-7.30