
NHW Co-ordinators meeting 12th Sept 2107

Hello everyone

A very well attended coordinators meeting was held on Tuesday 12th September 2017 at the Cromwell Road Fire Station Grimsby. We were delighted to welcome Debra (Debbie) Fox from Engies Home Energy Promotions team.

Engie for those who don’t know are commissioned company via NELC to deliver certain services in the community on behalf of the local council.

Debbie informed the group about fuel supply options and projects to help reduce energy costs.

Details of the schemes and contact details appear below.

Please note the deadline is Midnight on 9th October to register

Also attached is the main link to their website,

If you require any further information please contact Debbie at

Debra Fox | Home Energy Promotions Officer | ENGIE

 +44 (0)1472 324782 | +44 (0)7920768691  |

 ENGIE, Origin 2, Origin Way, Europarc, Grimsby, DN37 9TZ

 |

Following Debbie’s input members were reminded of the NELC True Call offer details of which have been previously displayed on our local NHW website

In addition further advice was given regarding financial exploitation and identity theft which is still rapidly increasing and becoming more sophisticated not only in our area but across the UK.

Further information can be found on both Humberside police and NELC websites but simply to say no on the telephone no matter how “official” the call appears and not to divulge personal details by post /social media will prevent you or someone in your street becoming a victim of this faceless crime.

Under the new community projects agenda item a request for any NHW members no matter where you live was made to assist with a River Care project on the River Freshney.

The project funded by Anglian water will take place on Saturday 21st Oct 2017 and will focus on cleaning up the banks of the river in and around the Duke of York Gardens area.

All tools /equipment and personal safety gear will be provided. If you are able to help please report to the newly refurbished Pavilion within the Duke of York gardens for 1000 hrs.

The project will run between 1000- 1500hrs with a break for lunch at 1200. Any time you could give would be very welcome again if you would report to the Pavilion on arrival.

I would also ask you to consider a project your community may benefit from with the support of others for future dates. The project can be any size and over any period of time each will be equally advertised / promoted and hopefully completed!

With NHW working in this way we will be able to demonstrate to funders that we are supporting communities and improving environments enabling us to raise funds for future events and projects.

Insp Mel Christie who attended on behalf of Humberside police then gave members a policing update.

The senior officer reported his officers have recently carried out drug raids in the East Marsh area which had successful outcomes and gave residents reassurance. He also appealed for members of the public to continue report any suspicious activities especially related to drug dealing.  Insp Christie accepted that it can be frustrating when it appears nothing is actioned immediately but only by evidencing this behaviour over a period of time can positive action take place

Last month saw increases in burglaries in the Scartho area and although only small numbers he asked residents to be vigilant and again to report incidents to the police either via 101 if not urgent or via the Humberside police website. 999 remains the number for a crime in progress.

A 101 call back system is now in place so rather than waiting in a call queue a member of the police hub will ring you back.

More generally crime levels “remain stable compared with last year across NEL” a trend that is duplicated across most other areas across the country which is good news.

Insp Christie assured members that policing operations have been organised for the next few months to cover the Halloween / Bonfire night period and the run up to and Christmas   / New Year periods. I can hardly believe that is just around the corner!

Katrina Goodhand then introduced herself as the Humberside police and crime commissioner (HPCC) community liaison officer. Katrina works full time in NEL and can be contacted direct on  or by telephoning the main office on  01482 220787  for matters relating to her role further details of which can be found on the HPCC website

Members were given the positive news that 300 extra police officers are to be recruited over the next 18mths with 220 being appointed in the next twelve months with the remainder in the following 6mths. These officers will be posted into areas of greatest need including NEL.

This process has already started with student officers already in training and we welcome their arrival.

Our next meeting will be held on the 12th Dec 2017 at the Fire Station with an earlier start time of 6PM.  This meeting will hopefully see an input from the Carers Service in NEL with a focus on “hidden carers” outlining support that may available as well as Jeans delicious cakes!