National News

What’s in a name? We are NOT the Neighbourhood Network – clarifying a misunderstanding

A clarification that the North East Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Watch Network and the Neighbourhood Network (in Hull) are not the same organisation. Read on…

A confusion arose recently where an email notification from the Neighbourhood Network was mistaken for one from us. So I wanted to quickly clarify the position.

The Neighbourhood Network is a registered Charity in Hull which supports the 300+ Neighbourhood Watch Groups across Hull.

We are the North East Lincolnshire Neigbourhood Watch Network. We do the same sort of thing, but we provide support for the Neighbourhood Watch Groups across Grimsby, Cleethorpes, Immingham and North East Lincolnshire.

In North Lincolnshire and in the East Riding Neighbourhood Watch coordination is led by the Councils.

All of the four areas are part of HumberWatch, and of course we all communicate with each other and work in partnership when that is appropriate.

But the organisations are separate and provide different services. So if you find a piece of news about a service or training or support, just double check first where it comes from and whether it is relevant for North East Lincolnshire.

Our website is (this site) and covers North East Lincolnshire.

Our discussion and support site (new for May 2020) is at and this is for people in North East Lincolnshire only. (The reason for that particular website address is because Big Local are supportive of the work of NELwatch and have provided space in their web hosting for our new site).

I hope that clarifies some naming. And don’t forget that OurWatch is the National organisation for Neighbourhood Watch!