A number of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s) are in place across North East Lincolnshire. These are a tool to help tackle issues around Anti-social behaviour and other issues to prevent problems arising.
The Council is undertaking a consultation as they are about to update some of the PSPO’s.
If you’re not aware of the PSPO’s then you can find out all the details of the current ones on the Council website here:
Some of the orders cover specific areas and some are much wider and cover all the open spaces across Cleethorpes. Speaking to residents recently it was clear that not everyone is aware of these PSPO’s and the restrictions they put in place on activities such as metal detecting. It’s worth sharing information about the PSPO’s with your networks.
And please contribute to making the PSPO’s as effective as possible by taking part in the consultation.
The consultation is here: https://tell-us.questionpro.eu/a/TakeSurvey?tt=fpg59IsPD2SPlg%2B10r/NGw%3D%3D
Should you see something happening that you know is in breach of a PSPO then you are able to report it online yourself here: https://my.nelincs.gov.uk/s/login/?ec=302&startURL=%2Fs%2Fflow%2FPublic_space_protection_order