On behalf of Humberside Police I would like to pass my sincere thanks to all NHW co-ordinators across the Force area for their valuable contribution to Op Galaxy which as you will have seen in the media continues with a robust programme of enforcement, visibility and engagement activity, taking a tough stance on criminality and protecting communities.
The community intelligence provided by NHW members over recent months has played a significant part in the preparation for Op Galaxy and will continue to be vital as we work together to make the Humberside Police area a safer place to live, work and visit and where criminals are not given the chance to get a foothold for their activities and know how hard it will be for them to operate in this area.
In the first 12 days of Op Galaxy there have been 212 people arrested and 44 warrants executed. Significant amounts of cash and drugs have been seized and numerous persons have been charged whilst others were released on bail. Officers have completed increased numbers of stop searches (where lawful grounds exist). This proactive policing style will continue and many more criminals will be arrested and have their criminal property seized over the coming weeks.
The contribution of the NHW initiative cannot and should not be under-estimated and your continued support is very much appreciated and adds real value to the work we do.
Please circulate this to your respective group members and thank them on my behalf too. It is often difficult to quantify the difference which NHW makes to an area but there is no doubt that NHW groups make people feel safer and be safe, and your contribution to Op Galaxy is a perfect example of that.
Inspector Tim Harvey
Humberside Police