General Local News Network News OurWatch Safer and Stronger

Your help requested to help get our local database of groups up to date

Have you missed me?

Over the last week, I have still been working, in the National “Our Watch” site registrations, checking for all self registrations, adding new groups that were not known about before, sending out confirmation e mails from the national website, and going through Co-ordinator details, so our local protected database is more accurate and up to date.

If you were not on the regular mailing list, you may find that I will now be including you in our news group mails, which are blind copy (bcc) mails.

I will be asking for Co-ordinator details for others in your group, how any houses that you cover for your group, how many NHW signs you have on display. and whether they are the latest versions.

For example, I need to know if you cover house numbers 1 to 100, but not house numbers 101 to 200. The street aigns are sited outside No1 and No 100 in our street.

If you self registered, did you put in your area on the mapping area – many are missing?

National are requesting that we have as much detail for their database for self registrations, so please don’t be offended if you receive a mail from me out of the blue.

Many groups have registered nationally, but not locally, so we were not aware of your group or location.

Your assistance is appreciated to make our local protected database more accurate and up to date.