Author: Karl Elliott

Humberwatch Conference 2024 was a great success

The bi-annual Humberwatch conference for 2024 took place on 6th June 2024 at Alf Marshall Centre in Hull. The event of course focused on Neighbourhood Watch, and coordinators from across Humberside attended to listen to presentations, network and enjoyed a great buffet! Humberwatch are grateful to everyone attending or supporting the event and especially to the North Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership who used Police and Crime Commissioner Funding to help fund this years event.

Read on for details of the event, photos and our video of the presentation for all those that missed it.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Humber Watch Conference during Neighbourhood Watch Week. The event celebrated the invaluable work of volunteers across the Humber region who coordinate their own Neighbourhood Watch schemes. It also showcased how the Neighbourhood Watch Force Association (Humber Watch) can further support these efforts.

A special thank you goes to our guest speakers:

Jonathan Evison, Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner: Mr. Evison opened the event with an inspiring speech, sharing his vision and plans for the next three years in office. His commitment to enhancing community safety and supporting Neighbourhood Watch initiatives was clear and encouraging.

Cheryl Spruce, Partnership Manager from the National Neighbourhood Watch Network: Cheryl  highlighted the extensive support available for Neighbourhood Watch across the country. She detailed the online resources, access to the coordinators’ Knowledge Hub, and the exciting future plans aimed at strengthening community watch efforts nationwide.

Sgt. Kevin Jones, Humberside Police: Sgt. Jones provided an in-depth overview of the Rural Crime Task Force Team. He shared the significant work and outcomes the team has achieved since its inception, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between the police and community volunteers in tackling rural crime.

The conference was organised by Neighbourhood Watch leads from all four unitary authority areas across the Humber region, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive program. The dedication and effort put into organising this event were evident and greatly appreciated by all who attended.

Thank you once again to our speakers, organisers, and most importantly, our volunteers. Your commitment to community safety and support for each other is what makes the Neighbourhood Watch initiative so impactful. We look forward to continuing our work together and achieving even greater success in the future.

The Video

If you missed the event (or if you simply want to re-live it) then we’ve just released a video of the presentations. It’s just over 2 hours long. Enjoy.

Video filmed and edited for Humberwatch by Focus-7

Hosted on the @humberwatch YouTube channel hosted by VANEL and the NELwatch programme.

Gallery from the event

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The Humberwatch team (missing a few people though – sorry Caroline)
did we mention the excellent buffet?
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the original flyer

First Humberwatch event in years, a great success

On 6th July 2022, the Humber Watch team, along with 60 Humber wide Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators celebrated everything ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ and more importantly celebrated the fact that it’s Neighbourhood Watch’s 40th Birthday!

The event at the Country Park, Hessle included an address from Humberside Polices’ Adil Khan and Mark Lovell, along with a presentation of the history and current campaigns from Central Support Team staff member, Cheryl Spruce. The Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison also took time to address and thank attending coordinators.

After refreshments and networking, attendees were treated to an interactive production by Spin Off Productions; a play focusing on telephone fraud during the lockdown period. Coordinators were invited to offer advice and help play out an alternative more positive outcome to the potential fraud. 

The Humber Watch event was the culmination of ’40 years, 40 actions’ campaign, where the four unitary authority areas supporting NHW, organised 10 actions each, in the months leading up to this special 40th year event.  40th Anniversary | Neighbourhood Watch Network (

It’s been 4 years since the last Humber Watch event and feedback was very positive from all involved. 

‘The play was full of great information, but delivered with humour’

The speakers were great, so interesting and so much relevant information to take in’ 

The event was well organised, delivered at a friendly pace and had a good atmosphere’

‘The event was a great celebration, bringing together lots of our valued coordinators from around the Humberside force area. It was a chance to celebrate all things Neighbourhood Watch and more importantly the contribution our volunteers make towards keeping the communities of Humberside safer’ – Lucy, Neighbourhood Network, Hull

Original article from Neighbourhood Network website here.

Welcome to our new website

After a ‘break’ for Covid, the Humberwatch team has got going again in 2022 with meetings and projects and it’s time for us to have a new space to talk about what we’re up to. So please share with anyone who needs to know about it.

The website is a joint initiative between the four areas involved with Humberwatch, so please speak to your appropriate local coordinators if you have any thoughts or questions. Or if you’ve got a specific website concern then please contact Karl Elliott at VANEL direct who is currently acting as admin for the site (

We hope you find the site. useful/informative.

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