TIER 3, IT IS, FROM DECEMBER 2ND ONWARDS. Not a huge surprise, so let’s prepare ourselves not to spread the virus unknowingly, and more importantly, not deliberately, by breaking the rules. So, HANDS, FACE, SPACE ! 4 weeks to get the R number down.
Category: Covid-19
News and updates related specifically to Covid-19 and the ongoing crisis and support within our community
So, how do you feel in regards to a possible 25 days full lockdown in January, and a tight conditions run up up after 2nd December, to pay for a lowering of family contact standards over Christmas? Personally, with 13 grandchildren that have not had a proper hug or contact since before March, my wife […]
Wash your hands. Cover your face. Make space. We must act now to control the spread of the virus. The single most important action we can all take in fighting coronavirus is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. · From Thursday 5 November to Wednesday 2 December, national restrictions apply […]
So, week 2 of lockdown, and we have leapt up from 5th nationally to 4th, with daily figures of new cases seemingly rising on a daily basis. As I travel doing my main employment and other volunteer work, I see many instances of what should not be happening – large gatherings at school gates with […]
This is such a confusing time as we drop into the 2nd lockdown period until December 2nd as a minimum. Many people will also be very disappointed that Bonfire night celebrations as public events are now banned as well. However, from recent nightly events around my own area, sales of fireworks have not diminished, as […]
Local News Update We all know that Halloween is going to be a little different this year – but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be spooktacular! The restrictions currently in place to keep us all safe and prevent the spread of Covid-19 may rule out trick or treating and Halloween parties but there are […]
Tier 3 areas are slowly creeping eastwards, and are currently on the verge of entering North Lincolnshire, with their proximity to the Sheffield area. We are obviously next in line, as the threat creeps towards the eastern coastline. Are you currently doing everything possible to reduce risk of infections to yourself, your family, contact with […]
A bit of a mixed bag message today: DARK NIGHTS, COVID CHANGES, SCAMMER ALERTS Dark nights – as the clock changes soon, and dark nights really fall on us, have you looked through those amongst your neighbours and friends who will be battening down the hatches and curtains, and staying indoors for many more hours […]
Well, how things can change in a week !! Higher infection rates, schools have had to isolate staff and sutdents in several local areas, moving locally into a red situation for Covid cases – not good. So, how would a 2nd lockdown of any sort affect you, your family, your neighbours? Can you remember what […]
We are rising locally in the national ratings for declared Covid positive tests. There is also a rise in hearing about different types of scams that arise from the crisis. Karl will be updating the scams section every Friday as normal, but please, beware of anyone wanting to engage you in paying for tests, or […]
Another new set of meeting and gathering rules have emerged – are you keeping up with the latest changes, and more to the point, do you understand how they are working? I do not regard myself as stupid, but am finding that the constant changing rounds of “do this”, now “don’t do this !” within […]
With a rise in school related Covid cases, I have looked more closely as i have been passing any school gates at arrival or leaving times over the last week, and I am amazed at the total lack of social distancing where the children and parents are gathering together. No names, but I passed one […]
New week – New rules!
So…… another set of rules in regards to gatherings both inside and outside of the home ! Thus far, we have been very lucky and fortunate that reasonable observation of previous rules have left this area very low in Covid 19 cases and deaths. However, several public house, club and restaurant areas have become the […]
Hols over – back on line
Karl and I have both had time away from work, so this is me returning to the fold, fully refreshed. So, Covid 19 restrictions are lifting / closing, according to where you live, and what you may do for a living, and the confusion on proper and correct scientific evidence is as muddy as ever. […]
Commissioners Blog 2nd July This blog is the last in a series of updates on the work of myself and my office as we move through the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. You can read the latest update by clicking HERE Alternatively paste the following link into your browser. https://www.humberside-pcc.gov.uk/News/News-Archive/2020/Commissioners-Blog-and-Office-Update-2nd-July.aspx There are now over 30,000 […]